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Mar '11

Back In Seattle.

Foggy in Olympia this morning, not outside, but inside.

Hit the road at 11am to catch Click and Clack on NPR. Appropriate drive time listening.

Lunch was the last of the leftovers from last nights dinner — at which point I remembered that I’d left a ton of meat in Curt’s freezer. Damn.

Lazed about the afternoon half-heartedly unpacking and wasting time on the computer before heading to the eastside to drop a check at the bank. Oh for the day when I can just scan the check and be done with it — apparently the technology is coming to my bank because of their recent merger with a Silicon Valley credit union.

Dinner tonight with Swanda and JohnnyThunder… cut rate sushi once it’s marked down at 7pm. I might have gotten a little too much in the way of sushi, marinated cucumber, marinated octopus, summer rolls…

Looks like a lot of food for three people — and it was. I took home a plate of sushi for tomorrow’s lunch.

Home by 10pm and asleep by midnight.


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