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Feb '10

Return From Vampire Land.

Pancakes for breakfast before heading back to the jacket project… I’d be sunk without Linda on the project. As they say, WAY in over my head.

Unfortunately at this point, there isn’t much that I could help with, it’s just the tedious part of creating a liner — sort of like reverse engineering. We (really I should say Linda) used the existing sleeve liners combined with the new liner material for the main body.

Me? I took my bi-weekly marketing conference call in Unit 3 who had checked out early. Thank goodness for Skype (and Chips headset) as Raf finally turned off his third line (two less financial nooses around his neck, lines 2 and 3).

Not being able to do anything to help with the liner, I was left to do what I could to help — strip the bed in Unite 3, wash the dishes, take out the garbage and read a trash novel, having finished the trash novel I brought with me.

A lovely lunch of potato pasta — definitely not Adkins, and more work on the coat. It was 3:30 when I got out of there… and it will require another trip to complete the project as we’ve concluded that the hood liner fabric would look better if it matched the main coat liner (rather than the original brown) and that a seriously clunked brass zipper in the front would totally modernize the piece…. oh well, next time. No time, no zippers in Forks, and the Olympics looming.

Stopped at Goodwill on the way back to Discovery Bay for no good reason… and didn’t find anything, not that I was looking for anything, though you never know.

Got back to the condo a little after 5:30pm having found the car-wash that I wanted to go to in Sequim closed… puddy cat needs a bath.

Dinner was stuff leftover in the fridge — still think I’m going to have a ton of stuff to pack up tomorrow, stuff that I can’t take into Canada with us on Thursday. Oh well, Ross and Rich coming for dinner tomorrow night. That will take care of some of it.

Off to bed.

[? ? ?]

1 Comment »

One Response to “Return From Vampire Land.”

  1. H20Blanco Says:

    Set new records at the Bush: one cocktail party went from 5 to 10 in B4, totally blowing off dinner by three hours.

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