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Uncle Markie out and about.

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Apr '09

How To Save The Economy.

So, from my dear friend Ticker comes the following concept of how to save the economy… though it may not be original to him, I really like the idea. I’ve taken some liberties with it, but the basic gist is intact. And it’s cheaper than any other proposal I’ve seen at a mere $40 trillion […]

Apr '09

Wednesday, Wednesday.

Well, this is today: This would be my friend Javier making masks in Mexico City to liven up the population. That would be with regard to SWINE FLU — or for the Jewish or Muslin population, Mexican Flu, or for the CDC, H1N1 would be the name. Click on the last underline for the latest […]

Apr '09

What’s Uncle Markie Reading?

On this last trip, just completed, to the Bay Area, I finished all the magazines and I started working on the back log of thicker reading material. First on the list… the book I printed out in January and it’s now the end of April: World At Risk (The Report of the Commission on the […]

Apr '09

1001 Nights.

Or 1001 Posts.

Countrymen and ladies, today we celebrate 1001 posts. Is it time for a new car? I found a lovely 1990 Bentley R for 40K… now why it was parked in the McDonald’s parking lot next to Trader Joes. Go figure. Online I’ve seen them for $32,500 — with less miles. Apparently this model will do […]

Apr '09

Berkeley Sunny Sunday.

26hat a glorious day to be inside working on getting the laptop tweaked to perfection. Luckily the 26 downloaded updates take time to install so I can go out on the deck and sit in the sun and read the New Yorker. The boys are working about the house and I’m working in the basement. […]

Apr '09

A Beautiful Day To Fly.

Try as I might to get out of the house by noon, the computer gods were against me. It took half an hour for the3 computer to install updates before it would shut down. At least the flight wasn’t until three thirty — but I did want to get to the board room while there […]

Apr '09

Plans Upon Plans.

Well — it seems that the Denver/Santa Fe trip in late May has sorted itself into the following: Wednesday morning – Seattle-Denver on Alaska airlines Wednesday afternoon –Dan’s father picks me up at the airport and gives me the keys to his Corvette Wednesday evening – WorldMark Taos in a one-bedroom (it’s on the grounds […]

Apr '09

Travel Plans Firming.

So, today is the weekly marketing meeting… and I have a ton of projects on the plate… but then there are the upcoming travel plans. Item One: Pre-Olympics 2010. We (the Royal we) have 8 nights in the Victoria Hot Tub Condo, followed by 7 nights outside of Port Townsend (a short ferry ride away), […]

Apr '09

Hump Day.

It’s hump day and I feel like I have a hump… too much time at the keyboard. As usual, Wednesday is the day before the weekly marketing meeting, and my last chance to get all of my “action” items off of my list and onto someone else’s to-do list. Add another run of beer, and […]

Apr '09

More Test Results.

And Dinner With Jonathan.

Fuck, I’m not going to die anytime soon…. Here are the results from my doctor’s appointment yesterday… yes, test results in a little over 24 hours. I like them already! So, here are the results (and his comments): Your cholesterol looks fine.  Some values are elevated, but you were not fasting for these labs so […]

Apr '09

Scholarship Results In, Back At Home.

So — here are the results of the scholarship reading… the numbers were delayed because of an issue with Outlook and Excel on my netbook. Got to fix that tomorrow…. So, out of the condo at 10, stuck at the border for 40 minutes — but once I got up to the window the border […]

Apr '09

A Day In The City.

Got out of Birch Bay a little before noon and by 12:30 I was across the border with a bottle of scotch on the front seat. A quick call to Tom and Stephen and a lunch date it set for Red Burrito — yummy, quick, but no Visa/Mastercard so Tom had to pay with his […]

Apr '09

A Day At The Beach.

Just another day at the beach sitting around in  front of the fire reading scholarship applications. It’s a wee bit cold to be running around with the top down, but apparently that doesn’t apply to the boys across the road skim-boarding. It’s like 45 degrees out and the water is even colder. MaryBeth’s kids are […]

Apr '09

Birch Bay Bounty.

It was a long night with the folks upstairs partying until three. It didn’t help that the hot tub was not up to temperature — I figured it was that it was new and just warming up, but at noon it was still tepid. Call number two to maintenance (call number one was the ice […]

Apr '09

That Thursday Meeting, And Travel.

After this morning’s meeting the “to-do” list is growing, growing, growing. Lot’s of stuff to get off the plate before next week’s meeting — and once again, on the road sampling WorldMark resorts in Birch Bay and Vancouver. Made it on the road by 2pm, with, as much as I can tell, everything I need […]

Apr '09

Way Too Much Stuff To Do.

It’s midnight. I’m tired. Got a double run of new beer in one run — how’s that for math. Billed hours, sent the bills. Packing for tomorrow. Entertained Graf for dinner (and a tour in the Jag). Need to go to bed. Meetings tomorrow. Ick. [2176.7]

Apr '09

No Upgrades, Just Three Seats.

Didn’t take Ambien last night — as a 6am wake-up call is early, as is waking up at 4:30 and tossing and turning. I was out of the house at 6:15am with Peter looking perky and Linda looking, well, like I look at 6am. Forty minutes later I was at Heathrow — not bad for […]

Apr '09

Hampton Court Palace.

Got to sleep in… until 8:30 this morning. Yahoo. Thanks to Ambien I slept through the night. No jet-lag. Today’s adventure is a walk along the Thames into downtown Richmond so see Linda’s church, then onto the bus to Hampton Court Palace. Here is a lovely shot of my in the dining room of Henry VIII’s […]

Apr '09

Dateline: London.

Well — the flights went well, I went with the roast beef sandwich and soup, but the chicken breast over lettuce looked better. And no Chivas Regal at all on the domestic leg. At least they had Chivas in Economy on the London leg. I used it to wash down the Ambian. No strip search […]

Apr '09

Poker Sucked. First Doesn’t.

Well — after two months of turning nickels and dimes into quarters… the streak has ended with paper folding money departing my wallet. I figure I’m down $20 at last night’s game. On the upside, I was actually able to use a combination of paper and electronic upgrade certificates on my Seattle to Washington, DC […]