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Apr '13

The Home Stretch.

Day 14 of 16. Just the weekend work at the wine shop ahead of me until a luxurious single day off.

Slow day at the Print Shop so found myself organizing and straightening things up – and wishing they had a vacuum cleaner so I could get all the paper bits off the floor – they have a massive industrial push broom which doesn’t really cut it for the parts of the shop that are carpeted. Oh well, maybe next week.

My new routine. Work, come home and tap a nap, diddle away the evening.

And since it’s such a boring day, we will add some leftovers. From Sunday night’s dinner at the Brooklyn, this arrived from the Las Cruces boys:

And this arrived from a Vancouver, BC friend of mine – Canada in 1899:

Not sure if you will be able to enlarge it on your screen to see that there were many more named regions in 1889 than there are now, such as Mackenzie, Franklin, Athabasca, Ungava and Keetwatin. If you want the original file, drop me an email or leave a comment.

Off to bed.


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