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Feb '11

Waking Up In Dublin.

Yep. This is where I woke up this morning… no, not in the front yard, but upstairs in the back bedroom.

Mindi advised me on waking that the kitchen was a bit bare, with toast and an apple the best bets. I returned to the living room with a quesadilla, there by cleaning out the refrigerator of several bits of leftovers – two tortillas, some cheese, some salsa, a half an avocado…. So yes, grocery shopping is on the agenda.

First stop is Timgad – the Hallal grocery just around the corner. They have expanded their selection since I was here last.

8 small lamb chops, cream, Diet Coke®, eggs, but the salad fixings didn’t look good. So off to the local Spar we go…

Not known for there veggie selection, at least they have nice bags of rocket salad along with a couple of half-baked rolls, and a little dessert and we are out the door. Of course, I fogot one important item since we are entertaining one of Jeff’s co-workers tonight…. ICE. One more stop.

It didn’t hurt that there was a pretty lad standing about in front of the place.

Got lots of compliments on the dinner – used the bag of beans and the two random carrots to steam up some veg to go with the lamb (cleaning two more items from the fridge). Of course we all stayed up way too late… but fun was had, wine and whiskey (and vodka tonics for Mindi) devoured.

I think I have my sea legs back.

[? ? ?]

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