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Mar '12

All Settled Into Kalapana.

The dining room table has been turned over to technology:

And there are several more devices missing from this picture.

Somehow we have buggered up the internet connection so we are running over a cellphone Edge hotspot that Lightning brought along. Nothing like having a bunch of devices competing for bandwidth. If I had cell service out here, I’ve have my phone tethered to my laptop.

Went to the closest larger town to get a few items from Longs Drugs, and stop for lunch (lunch first, Longs second).

That would be the Kalua Pork and Cabbage, and no, I didn’t eat the rice, but I did have a MaiTai after tasting the one Lightning ordered — as did Dancing Bear. MUCH better than the ones that I refuse on Alaska flights to Hawaii because they are sickeningly sweet.

And speaking of sweet, a shot of the guava sweet bread we picked up at Longs:

Here is a shot off the balcony of the house showing how lush the grounds are:

And BreticusMaximus holding the two coconuts we scavenged from a tree they took down next door, and me holding “heart of palm” in the raw. We took the inner most part and I made a marinated salad out of it.

We had the landlord over for dinner (he’s a faerie that’s been to the Breitenbush gathering) which I think sort of shocked him as it might be the first time a guest has asked. But, then again, with the oddity of furnishings in the kitchen (more glassware than butter knifes), we might be some of the few who are actually cooking breakfast and dinner in-house.

Mixed bag for weather today. Rains for a bit, suns for a bit.

[205 on an old analog scale so I’m not really believing it]

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