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Jul '09

Dinner Party Season Continues.

Tonight the dinner party moves over to Swanda’s place after a relaxing day around the house avoiding paying work and catching up on magazines that have been stacking up.

Firecracker salmon, some orzo salad, cucumbers in vinegar, corn salad… too bad I forgot to bring the wine.

Hell, I was even home by 7:30!

And then, all hell breaks loose at 9.

Fluffernutter had called during dinner which rolled over to voice mail. When Swanda retrieved the message it was not good. A member had gotten lost in the woods on a hike with a dozen or so other members.

Fluffernutter was on the way out to the trail head, family had been tracked down and notified. I was assigned two channels to watch to see if there was any coverage (negative), and by 11:30 Swanda and I were headed out to the trail head with more pop, water, sandwiches, chairs, a canopy — apparently a dozen of his family showed up to help.

I got home at 3:15am and got the text that they had found him a 4am. At least now I can sleep with some ease.


1 Comment »

One Response to “Dinner Party Season Continues.”

  1. Swanda Says:

    Thank you…thank you…thank you! Yes, you did play a very helpful role. Don’t want to have to do that again anytime soon. But glad to know we know how to do it!

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