Up early — got to get on the road to make my early afternoon flight from DFW. I’d rather hang out in the Delta Crown Room than in small town Texas.
It’s been an interesting trip — with luck I’ll have time to do a trip report when I get to the airport. Or maybe I’ll just take a nap.
Stay tuned for a mid-day update if I can get internet access at the airport. So far the flight is on time — and it’s direct — and I’m in First Class again (the joys of the mid-day flight, easier to snag the freebie upgrade).
Home from the airport at 5:30 — dinner on the table at 6:30, hopefully to bed by 11:30 — but I have this damn Faerie Directory to start working on.
It never ends. And for the moment, that’s OK.
[? ? ?]
Working at home tonight on a national confernece when a state representative stops by for wine and chat…to quote Uncle Markie: “And for the moment, that’s OK.” It yields some support for a national conference in his own community of Vancouver USA! A nice visit too. So, Uncle Markie’s correct again…”it” never ends and it’s okay.