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Oct '11

Where Did The Day Go?

Where did the day go. With work on the database, logos, other stuff. Below is a sample of what will most likely be our display cards for each of the wines though this text is from “tasting notes” rather than the short pithy wine descriptions we are known for:

We plan on highlighting the many aspects of our wines, not just the vintage, winery and label, but it’s cepagé as well as whether the wine is organic, uses natural airborne yeast, sustainable farming practices and last, but not least, whether is wine is Kosher.

Before I knew it, it was 4pm and time to drop a couple of things at Jimmy’s place… only to arrive shortly behind a wine rep and suddenly I’m tasting another 10 different wines. I have to remember to get pictures of these tastings for the website.

Tonight it is dinner with Swanda at the apartment. He had originally suggested Wednesday night, but I’ve got a Rhone Non-Spitting Dinner to attend with some of the Dindons (a local winemaking club that Jimmy is part of). I brought a marinated turkey breast (which they were calling a Turkey Tenderloin) and some cole slaw, Swanda brought the wine and the stove.

More work when I got home. I’m looking forward to use being open and calmer.


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