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Jan '11

First Workweek Of The Year.

And Nothing To Do.

Well, it seems that none of my clients are “back in the saddle” yet from the holidays… and it’s too damn cold to be working on outside projects. I guess that just means more eye strain at the computer for no particular reason – which is dangerous as I’m likely to start shopping for air fare, WorldMark last minute deals, toys… you name it.

Today’s picture is of a slightly repurposed “snuggy” that Swanda gave me for the holidays… you know it’s plenty big when it can serve as a blanket on the bed (handy in this cold snag):

For those of you in the know, in the background are Pigletté and Bobo, now retired from their travels. If you need any additional Pigletté and Bobo travelogues you can get them from Amazon at this link: Pigletté & Bobo On Amazon.

A run to the grocery store… scored some veal shanks for the upcoming Veal-O-Rama with Jimmy and Suze on the 22nd – which is good as I was down to two shanks and a whole bunch of veal for scaloppini, and at 30% off, even better.

But tonight’s dinner for me is flat iron steak over a bed of romaine… simple, and missing most of the starch that seems to be sticking to my belly.


1 Comment »

One Response to “First Workweek Of The Year.

And Nothing To Do.”

  1. Dylan Sayed Says:

    hehe nice ‘old school’ bed. Iwould love to have one of those in my bedroom!

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