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Dec '12

Busy Saturday.

Jim swapped Opening/Closing with me today so that he could get the wine club orders ready – it being the 1st of the month. That always makes a nice little bounce in the till.

Interested in joining the wine club – here are the details: http://madronawinemerchants.com/blog/mwm%e2%80%99s-madrona-wines-monthly/. We don’t ship, so that saves you a lot of dough – just swing by sometime during the month and pick up your goodies. Here is a great shot of half of the club members selections – complete with reusable 6-bottle tote (which also has cool side pockets for other goodies:

Stopped for seafood in Ballard for the family holiday presents. That’s what everyone gets these days – seafood and wine. Who doesn’t love that?

Closed up at 7 and headed home to start packing for a number of trips. The top box will be headed to Oregon to the bro and sis-in-law, the middle box goes to Hawaii with me on Monday, and the lower box goes with me to Santa Fe the following week. All the relatives holiday shopping is done, but not the wrapping.

Got the second barrel filled the other night – they look like two little pigs on the counter:

Turkey sausage and salad for dinner – didn’t get to the asparagus so that will go to Swanda’s place tomorrow for him to use. We have this habit of passing produce back and forth if we are headed out of town and it will go bad before our return. Guess this means I’ll be taking his wine club selections as well. Maybe that’s why he invites me over the first of every month for dinner.


1 Comment »

One Response to “Busy Saturday.”

  1. Swanda Says:

    Damn you figured me out! Hope you are having fun in Aloha land. See you Sunday.

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