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Oct '08

Death And Taxes.

And Politics. And Company For Dinner.

Woke up feeling like death — maybe that was because of an 8am phone call from Swanda making sure I got home OK.

Today’s agenda focusing on finishing up the bedroom remodel, making some bread for tonight and tomorrow (going to refrigerate half the dough), and getting my taxes done (quarterlies for the state).

It being the season, it also means at least a dozen political related emails make it through the spam filter. The did get caught in my junk folder, but noticed it was from Susan at Blue Toad Design up on Lopez — a rather humorous video:

Now — what makes this funnier or weirder, take your choice, is that Mark Souder is also the name of a rabid Republican Congressman from Northeastern Indiana. Just Google Mark Souder and see who gets top billing!

Lynne is coming by for more iron building steaks — seems she’s been having lots of blood draws recently and nothing is better for rebuilding blood cells like dead cow.


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