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Jun '08

The Sunday Paper, Politics, and Reviews.

Welcome to the Sunday edition of UMTravels — your disjointed source of sometimes disturbing news.

First up to today we have the Op-Ed page:


From the Weather Page— well, let’s just say a 10am it was 80 degrees in the house. Guess I’d better move the laptop to the back porch.

From the Arts and Entertainment Section comes reviews of last night food and culture.

Veil (Restaurant). Phillipe Starck chairs and influenced design. Starck white inded — and the food little works of art. I would be easy to dismiss this as so much fluff and so little food, but the flavors from unexpected combinations left us all passing plates like it was a smorgasbord — we ALL wanted to try EVERYTHING. Highlights were the mini-lamb burgers, the lobster mac and cheese, the house make tagliatelle with morels, pancetta, and caramelized onions, a stunning corn and lobster soup. Between the five of us we tried 2/3s of the menu, but none of the desserts — maybe next time. Full menu here. 4.5 on a scale of 5 pancettas. Downsides were the $25 corkage fee and that the air conditioning was on the fritz (you’d think they would offer a complimentary sorbet to cool you down).

And then off to McCaw Hall for the Seattle Men’s Chorus Funniest Songs show featuring Leslie Jordan of Will and Grace & Sordid Lives fame. I went in feeling dragged by my friends — and left giddy. It was truly an amazing show — with songs breaking up production numbers breaking up comedy routine. It just had a nice flow to it. I even got to see my old friend Kevin Carson (their box office manager) up on stage making an announcement — he’s looking great.

Nice to have Rich driving the big old Caddy that five of us can actually fit in (think mommy van with a nicer ride).

And now off to the Classified Section:

We headed back to my house where I proceeded to load them up with:

  • set of 18 glasses (6 shot) (6 scotch) (6) champagne for Brandon
  • rice cooker and juicer for Ross
  • crock pot for Curt
  • bread machine for Rich

and Rich is taking my old television as well, but the caddie’s truck is too shallow to hold the TV and all the people — might have to deliver it! Less stuff for the garage sale on the 12th at Curtis’.


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