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Dec '21

Trip Report: Vancouver, Again

Need to spend as much time as I can in Vancouver while the border is open. Took the big car.

And Duty Free is a must:

But the border, with added requirements like vaccine and negative PCR test:

Yes, the Nexus line is longer than the others! Finally, they opened a second Nexus Lane realizing that cross border travel is a pain in the ass that mostly Nexus members are willing to put up with.

Got to the condo around, 2, wasn’t ready, so had sushi while I waited.

Lovely evening views.

Had a lunch date with Will at JapaDog, his first time:

And dinner later with his husband, Solus, who arrived with Mississippi Pot Roast (bread, beans, salad – me):

Before I knew it my three nights were up and I had to return to the US.

Never long enough. Should have immigrated when I had the chance. Sigh.

[? ? ?]

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