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Sep '12

Asian Pear Wine Ready.

After weeks in the crock, it’s time to get the Asian Pear Wine off the lees and into the you know what.

Here is a shot of the process (or two):

To get the last bits out it was time to strain through a bamboo towelette, actually had to switch half way through as the first one got plugged up:

Sort of looks like baby poo.

Tonight’s cocktail plans with my ex and his parent’s imploded as we both thought it was at our respective houses… oh well, and I couldn’t leave my house because I was running the you know what.

But on a bright note, my dinner date shut down his garage sale early and was at the house by six for the pupu platter I’d made for cocktails with the ex. Just as an FYI – this is an ex from 30+ years ago. Wow.

Dinner was steaks and a salad since we are both on the let’s keep the weight off kinda thing.

Fun evening in many ways.

Final result of the run as a little less than a liter of 100 proof brandy.


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