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Apr '10

A New Page. A New Idea.

More work, more errands, damn Cailis is expensive.

So, yesterday, when I took the picture of the house, I had to lean over the fence to get the lovely non-chain-link fence version.

Tonight when I was wandering down the street to see the process on the rehabilitation of another house like mine (curious about the don’t park signs and heavy equipment) to find newly installed gas service (he REALLY does rehab houses well for future tenants) I paused in front of my house and realized how much I hate the chain link fence in front. I am envisioning closing off the side so that the trailer could fit behind it (if I still have a trailer) and the rest would be open (well, as far as the two neighbors fences).

Maybe that’s the weekend project. Now I just need a trailer hitch for the Jag.

Dinner tonight was a salad and a family hash made from last night’s leftovers of beefs and roasted potatoes, fried up and tasty.

Oh, and there is a new PAGE on this site… my version of a bucket list. OK — mine is called the “travel hit list”.



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