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Uncle Markie out and about.

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Nov '13

Up In The Air Again.

Dan was off to work so it was just Lisa and I running around town doing some errands.

First stop was a thrift shop to look for an urn/vase for their recently deceased dog’s ashes. Scored a Japanesey/Chinesey one – but the most humorous thing happened in the men’s section with these young lads:

Two men, one pair of jeans.

Headed to the airport at 2:30 so I could have an early dinner at Elways in the B Concourse:

That would be the steak tacos – yes, I know – there are carbs in the bowl to the left.

Uneventful flights other than the mile walk between United gates in SFO since I came in at one end and went out through the end of the international terminal.

Got back to the house at 2am – same flight as last week coming back from New Orleans. Got back to find this:

There had been a neighborhood gas problem (no, not from all the Mexican restaurants serving beans) that required the gas company to turn off everyones gas. Nothing like calling the gas company at 2:30 in the morning to schedule an early Saturday restart. I’ve have done it myself but they locked out my meter.

A chilly night praying for hot water in the morning for a shower.

[? ? ?]

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