Was actually out of bed and into the office before 8am. It must be a travel day. Got the house settled for departure — take out garbage, bedding out of living room from Whitaker, dishes in dishwasher.
11am ferry, in line by 10am, not that I needed to be, they take something like 80 cars and I’m sure there were 80 spaces left on the ferry. Had a nice nap on the ride back to the mainland.
Enough time to run by the apartment and unload the first load, check email, work a little, shower, and change clothes for “the big signing”. Swing by the bank, get a cashiers check for in round numbers $25,000, go to the liquor store for that celebration Scotch bottle (Macallan 12-year), Safeway for gas, then to Transnation Title — does that mean they only title transvestites, or transsexuals, or transmissions?
Dinner tonight with Jonathan and Adam (his occasional boyfriend). The menu: comfort food. Coleslaw with grape tomatoes sliced on top, scalloped potatoes with Tillamook White Cheddar, and a meatloaf of lamb and buffalo. Oh, I think there will be wine as well.
No real job and three houses and an apartment — isn’t America amazing.
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