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Aug '07

Greetings From The Bush.

Greetings from Breitenbush Hot Springs. Blog server is being funny today so we’ll just email in my entry.

First — the update on the rest of yesterday. Got on the road a little before nine in the morning and was in Albany at a little before one with time for a burger and the first section of the Wall Street Journal before the Palm Harbor Manufactured Home Plant Tour.

The tour: interesting. There were actually a hand full of other people on the tour, luckily the split off the wheelchair bound woman (and her family) from our group so it was just three of us. I love the fact that what they showed in the waiting room was 2×6 insulated exterior walls, but most of the ones on the shop floor were 2×4 — apparently you can order them either way depending on energy code needs — and with either 2×3 or 2×4 interior walls. They also use the new flexible plastic plumbing pipes like I saw in the Q-Land remodelled house in Portland. Must investigate further.

Was out of there a little after three, and was at the bush with my bed made by five — just in time for cocktail hour.

Dinner was pizza (really good) and salad (always good), but none of the red stuff at dinner — those silly rules. An early evening for me — just sitting around the cabin (G-1) drinking wine and whiskey with passersby. Scanned the San Francisco Chronicle, and generally relaxed in the woods. So far I’m loving G-1. It’s close to Jamshed (and his Ethernet connection) and away from the hubbub of A and B rows. Jamshed, unfortunately, is off at Sufi Camp this week. I have Roushdi and Whitewater as roommates — and for about an hour we had Dusque — who was unhappy on three levels: a) G-1 — too far from the hubbub; b) small top bunk; c) me (and probably my drinking since he doesn’t). He found another place as is happy once again — as am I since having a cranky roommate isn’t in the recipe for a relaxing weekend.

Off to Devils Hole for a swim after lunch, though it’s clouding up this morning. Guess I’d better put the top up on the bimmer.

Time to charge the laptop.

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