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Aug '07

Friday Post Three. Hot Springs Update.

I am getting into a routine here at camp…. actually getting up for breakfast (maybe that will change now that I snagged another blanket), then coming back and making coffee at Jamshed’s cabin while checking my mail (40 unread since yesterday morning) and making a cup of coffee (they don’t serve caffeine at Breitenbush — just like no red wine or scotch).

The meals have been amazingly good though I will admit to two things — a) I snagged some of the fried tofu from the special diet line this morning, and b) I’m planning on going into Detroit for lunch at the Cedars today (and to get ice).

Yesterday the weather cleared up just in time for swimming at Devil’s Hole. And today looks good as well. It’s a lovely sloping flat(ish) rock surface to is great to lay out and bake on — especially if you’ve just jumped into the river which is cold cold cold. Maybe I’ll take the broom from the cabin and sweep off the rock — get the pebbles off that always end up under my but.

Last night’s “event” was interviews, followed by an open mic(less) poetry reading. I declined to attend. Hung out in my cabin drinking Diet Coke and reading a huge stack of New Yorkers from Swanda. Two down, another four or five to go.

Tonight we have the Fashion Show and Auction. Might attend, but am feeling that the front row is out. This is the year of change. No “B” row cabin, no front row performances. Less limelight, more introspection. Less bull in china shop, more awareness.

Roommate situation is good, which is good. Whitewater and Roushdi going at it like bunnies, but took it to the Love Lounge when the desire struck at midnight last night as to not wake me up…. I was asleep by 9pm — catching up on something — either sleeping or dreaming…. and speaking of dreams — why did I have a dream about bad service at Canlis. That’s odd.

I close with “Ticker — you’ve got days of blog to catch up on!”

1 Comment »

One Response to “Friday Post Three. Hot Springs Update.”

  1. Susan E Campbell Says:

    LOve your posts. No to worry, someday you are going to encounter a puppy, and it will have to be a puppy and you will fall in love with…really…no kidding it is just like falling in love with with a cool guy.

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