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Nov '07

And Two Makes Ten.

Sunday on Maui — no church for us. Sleeping in is more like it (at least for Jill).

Today’s errands include, yet another run to Hilo Hatties for more of those free mugs. With today’s two, we (or I should say, I since Jill doesn’t want any of them) to ten matching coffee mugs. And I still have ten more coupons. Wow, a set of twenty — that would be large.

Also needed to get more booze from Safeway, and a few more pupu’s. Most of the day was spent trying to figure out the rest of our travel year (apart, not together). Jill needs a little over 12,000 miles to reach 50,000 on Alaska for MVP Gold (much better than my MVP Silver that I’ll achieve with the third trip to Hawaii later this week).

So, Jill is going to Boston and Tucson for a couple of days each, and Orlando on a red-eye and will turn around and come right back. Sounds like my habits — maybe she picked up something from me.

My problem was less dramatic — but equally annoying. At one point Jill was 12 miles short of reaching her goal until she swapped out Orlando for a 2nd Boston trip. I just need to get to Santa Fe for the holidays. Amtrak = $1500 and days (but in a sleeper) and directly to Lamy (but with an overnight in LA). Air service directly into Santa Fe seems to be “up in the air” with one carrier stopping December 11th — and they did United and American tie-ins — but Delta said they were going to start on the 11th, but I can’t book a ticket — and that would be jet service out of Salt Lake City or LA (which would be sweet!) First class is a grand — which is over twice coach — and only into Albuquerque which is an hour away. The answer is United through Denver on big planes and pray for upgrades since I have a bunch of upgrade coupons. Just shy of $400. Ouch.

Dinner was a garlic peanut encrusted swordfish with sauteed bok choy and a large salad. The swordfish was incredibly moist — but the coating would have worked better with halibut or another light flavored fish — the swordfish taste just didn’t meld as well with the encrustation as well as I’d like. Oh well, experiment and learn. It was still good.

Watched The History Boys after dinner — good flick.

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