Even off season, the ferries are trouble. The fall schedule has ferries leaving Lopez at 6:40, 7:40, 11, and 1:35 (and later ones). The 11am ferry guarantees to only takes 22 cars (but more if there is space) which means showing up at least an hour early. If I wait for the 1:35pm ferry, I could show up 15 minutes before hand (during the week) because it’s a dedicated Lopez Island to Anacortes 110-car ferry. But that puts be back into Seattle smack dab in the middle of rush hour — and rush hour is one of the reason I quit Microsoft years ago. I hated the commute. And the MBA’s and Lawyers, but that’s another story.
Enough of my rant. The Seattle-Lopez run just takes a huge chunk of a day and spits it out.
Back at the house late afternoon to start packing for New Mexico, which is next week’s trip. I’m having sleep over guest the night before so I need to clean up the guest bedroom for me — there is currently about 6″ of junk covering the bed. And the floor is worse — a single track to reach the desk. Tomorrow is Olympia for an overnight so I’d better get moving.
Dinner is stir fried pork over salad and maybe I’ll have a little wine with that — that would be novel.
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