The place is clean, the beds made — all in time for lots of people to mess them up.
Picked up a David Illes painting that had been in storage on the hill for years, only to put it in storage in the garage — might change the art in the house for the new year, but not before company comes tonight.
Got to Swanda’s pre-arrival time — time for one more drink, then Manaco showed up, then the boys (Wonderful, BBHa, Belle). Much drinking — then much torture of Manaco’s boyfriend Brandon, then all the boys (except Brandon) off to the Shanghai Garden for much food. Way much food. When Swanda orders, we eat until beyond stuffed, and are amazed at the quantity of food that we have gone through. And there were even little holiday presents on the pre-set table. That boy does do the holidays.
Short entry for today — as tomorrow is going to be a long day. The boys (BBHa and Belle) are up at 4am to get to the airport. I’m up a little before 6am to do the same. At least I get snacks and drinks before boarding the plane. I have apples and yogurt if they want/need it in the morning. I don’t think I’ll be getting up to see them off.
Time to shut down the computers, pull the network card, and pack the briefcase.
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