So, Wednesday on the way to the airport, Kennan and I stopped by Michelles for what turned out to be lunch with her mother, brother, and judge friend — this you’ve heard, but that’s the recap.
During all the festivities she showed me this really cool book put out by the Onion — Our Dumb World, which is basically a parody of a World Atlas. And a truly hilarious world atlas it is. Some of my favorite country descriptions:
- Sudan: All Better Now Thanks To You
- Algeria: Terrorism’s Farm Team
- Yemen: Doing Terrorism’s Grunt Work
and truly my favorite…
- Afghanistan: Allah’s Cat Box
So I decide to order this, and look for a copy of the movie If It’s Tuesday It Must Be Belgium because I’m going on a Caravan Tour to the Copper Canyon late January — and this is the tour company that the film was based on. No luck getting the film, but I did get the book. And quickly.
Heard about it Wednesday.
Ordered it Thursday morning — super saver free shipping from Amazon.
I’m over at Swandas for cocktails today and he goes downstairs to pick up his mail — and my package is there — one day after I ordered it. Apparently it came as a local delivery from the local Amazon warehouse — guess there are benefits to living in Amazon’s home town.
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