A comment from yesterday when Chip and I were fooling around getting the computers running — “What about dinner, the Whippets need to be fed on a regular basis.” This was Linda referring to Chip and her. Thin bodied people with high metabolisms. That’s not me.
Here is a great shot of Uncle Markie and the Whippets taken in the waiting room of the Black Ball Line’s Coho Ferry.
And last nights entertainment — the New Hampshire presidential debates (both Republican and Democrat) that ran from 7-11pm. A marathon session — played havoc with my hot tub schedule.
No plan for today other than eating and drinking — so it won’t be a bad day.
Dinner tonight is a rolled pork roast, roasted root vegetables, a salad, and a movie — The 40 Year Old Bachelor. The movie I’d seen before, but it was a hoot to watch with Chip and Linda (and a glass of Scotch in hand). The last time I saw this movie was in September of 2005 when I was waiting for the train headed home from Sacramento after a ManScouts gathering.
The dinner wine was a 49 North from Mission Vineyards. Not as good as the Jackson Triggs last night, but for $10 a bottle, drinkable.
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