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Jan '08

Kinda Blue, Like Miles (Davis).

Don’t know if it is the weather — cold and cloudy, finances, life, love (or lack there of), or what — but it’s one of those blue days. Don’t get them often, but wouldn’t be human if I didn’t get them at all (or I’d be on drugs).

Errands — drop of computer with Graf, the electro-geek. Second time it’s been in, took two times for the phone since he was worried about totally killing it, so maybe it will work with the laptop as well. If nothing else we will strip the memory and the hard disc.

Then off to Darcie’s place to pick up the renewal for the Seattle Opera — which she changed the address on my account to hers AND added her name after mine. Pretty damn cheeky if you ask me — that will be rectified when I get back from Mexico.

On the way back — stopped by Kassie and Mark’s development project — looking good, almost ready to move into! They have two units left at $575,000 if any one is interested — and a website to push them since there is a ton of stuff for sale on Magnolia (http://www.magnolialofts.com). My question is, is everything that is modern and trendy a “loft” just because it has some 14′ ceilings?

Back home started playing around with my dream RV in case Bob sells. This one would make it easier to deal with the parents and the Southwest should that come to pass. Here is the latest take on the design.


Baked bread this afternoon, and while it was proofing and baking I organized the art closet (not in the original plan for today) and got the latest racks in and stocked with the “garage computer” and a bunch of boxes. It’s an old one of mine that has wireless in it so I don’t need to run wires to the house — and I should be able to share the connection to get the Tektronics always on line (like I really want to run to the garage to pick up my prints!)

Jimmy and Greg for dinner tonight. Bread, cabbage and dressing (think an odd slaw), and lots of barbecued pork on the grill — it’s been a while since I’ve grilling, but at least it isn’t raining. Expecting much wine drinking.

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