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Mar '08

Do San Juan County Sheriffs Abuse Their Power?

Do San Juan County Sheriffs abuse their power? Judging from what happens at the Lopez Island ferry dock, I’d say yes.

Arriving on Lopez Saturday the 16th on the 3pm ferry from Anacortes I noticed one of our county sheriffs boarding the vessel as a walk-on passenger, leaving his vehicle (identified with the number 9744) parked in the 10 minute waiting spaces closest to the dock.

When I returned this morning (Sunday the 17th) to catch the ferry back to Anacortes for appointments — the vehicle was still parked in the 10 minute loading/unloading zone. 18 hours in a 10 minute zone? And that just what I noticed. I’m sure the ferry workers could give much better numbers.

It begs the question of which island our local sheriff lives, it looks like either Orcas or San Juan to me since that’s where the ferry was headed. Makes me wonder if he is parking illegally on the other side as well.


And the “detail” shot.


The ferry terminal provides overnight parking for vehicles, but it seems the sheriff is too lazy to walk the 100 yards up the hill. Maybe we should put a donut shop at the top of the hill as motivation.

cc: Islands Weekly, San Juan Islander, Island Sounder, San Juan County Sheriffs Department

[227.5] Church Scale

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