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Mar '08

Slumber Sunday.

After staying up until 1am chatting after the scholarship grading (after having been up until 2am the night before helping polish off those magnums of champagne) Sunday has been as we might say “The Day of Rest”.

I left Olytown about 10:30 this morning and went right back to bed for reading and napping until late afternoon. I “am” trying to get over this head cold, after all.

No interesting news, no interesting subjects, I’m even too lazy to even go to the store and pick up stuff for dinner so I’ll just eat whatever oddities are left in the fridge and in the pantry. 

For those of you interested in the latest Washington State Ferry schedule from Anacortes to Lopez, you will find the information here: http://www.lopezsanctuary.com/ferry%20schedule.htm

The schedule changed today.


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