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Apr '08

Wild Travel Hairs.

 So — here we go with another surprise visit, so I can’t really say anything — and there are TONS of details to work out on the cheap — flights, hotels, cars — I can tell you that it’s for a Gold Anniversary. Enough said.

Off to the island after getting a bunch of work done, but no packing for the Kentucky trip late tomorrow.

MoonSong is on the 12:30, I’m on the 3:30pm ferry — rules don’t let the same cars from the same commuter permit on the same ferry — so the supplies so up later than the contractor — but MoonSong can work on nailing strips and all the other stuff for the drywall installation.

And then there is dinner: Party of Four

We are having Don and Susan of BlueToad over for drinks and dinner in the construction zone. Thank goodness that they are used to it — and are kind enough to show up with wine. Steaks off the grill, home made bread by my hands, salad, sauteed veggies — and a damn fine meal with damn fine conversation is had by all.

Who knows WHAT time I got to bed, but we didn’t have movie night.


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