In that order. Bob:
Bob got a new hat today. I had an epiphany at the Chamber Music Concert last night. The easiest way to build this new vent that would actually work better than the old one, be light weight, and match one of the colors on the bus without painting.
Looks good on the top — I do need to screw it in, however, so the same thing doesn’t happen to this one.
And now onto the symphony:
So, I’m not sure if Gerard Schwartz is a pedophile, or whether children are the only musicians he is able to conduct these days. Luckily he was only at the baton for the first number of each set, and then slunk back to his hole.
And speaking of holes — what a large hole there was on the Seattle Symphony Website. This is what was on the website:
Coming to America:
Chamber ConcertJoin Maestro Gerard Schwarz and a spectacular group of artists for an intimate evening featuring the music of contemporary immigrant composers, including the world premiere of Henri Lazarof’s Piano Quartet.
Who would buy a ticket bases on that. In the program guide there were SIX pages of notes about the artists, the pieces in addition to the standard template of pieces and intermission. Jill’s first possible date balked at the possibility of wasting an evening if he didn’t know what was on offer up front. Now, you know, that program had to have been printed weeks ago, or at least the information known weeks ago. Should you want to visit that portion of the program, click here:
And now onto Darcy (Burner):
The evening plan after picking up my comforter from the Swandatorium is heading to John and Serena’s place for a fundraiser for Darcy Burner who is running against a red-neck Republican for an east side congressional seat. Mind you, neither of my residences is in that district — and even the party wasn’t in that district, but that didn’t seem to keep people away. She gives good stump, and I picked up some “take-aways” for Curt since he couldn’t make it (finances/health) including a long white-paper entitled “A Responsible Plan To End The War In Iraq”that a bunch of Democratic candidates are pushing.
It was also a nice place to network with some of my old Twango (now sold to Nokia), ThinkAct, and ex-Microsoft folks should the Iowa Printer and I figure out how to make a deal work.
Off to bed. Exhausted, but with a clean house thanks to MoonSong.
[221 on the city scale!]
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