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Sep '08

Small Town Gay Pride.

The buckwheat sourdough pancakes (and bacon) were stunning. Guess it was a later night for the rest of the crew since I had to call from the front porch because no one was answering the doorbell.

Gay Pride in Humboldt County is a small affair — the march route is about 12 blocks and ends up in the town square in Arcata. Small — but with a kick-ass marching band from Humboldt State College. Here is a shot of them laying on the ground in a fake “die in” ala Act Up of years ago.


I took some video (I think), but I still haven’t figured out how to get it to play — guess I’ll have to read the manual when I get home (and print it out in some size I can read — the manual is 6pt type!) Here is the sum total of the 10 shots I took in still mode:

Maybe I’ll get lucky and get the video clips working and update this entry (or make it tomorrows). Sort of wished I’d had the 20x optical zoom camera for all the pretty co-eds and hippy boys.

Dinner with WhiteWater this evening, no decision on in or out or what.

[? ? ?]



1 Comment »

One Response to “Small Town Gay Pride.”

  1. melba toast Says:

    Thanks, Mark, it was good to glimpse the Arcata square again. Can’t believe it’s been six years since I left Eureka.

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