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Feb '09

Roof On, Now For Electricity And Paint.

Well, the roof is on! Now I want to add a nice window above and make a sleeping loft in the attic.

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Tomorrow’s task is to move the power from the old dryer to the outside to power the Hobart Commercial Convection oven (and the 2-Drawer Warming Oven that sits underneath it).

For today while MoonSong was working, I was working as well, it was the annual marketing meeting for Events and Adventues. After that, more work at home, including these four display ads for MoonSong.








Dinner tonight was tri-tip, salad and a lovely white wine from Bonney Doon.


1 Comment »

One Response to “Roof On, Now For Electricity And Paint.”

  1. Melba Toast, NAC Says:

    Um, you do realize the proper spelling is “Strictly” rather than “Strickly” — unless, of course, the LMP’s surname is Strickly…

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