Long day in the billing area — 6.5 hours. Between trips to the Eastside to order renewal postcards and decrapify Fluffernutters’s computer and my house to start the leg work for the Bay Area trip to look at possible office space. And boy do I have a few places to look at:
All the red dos are places that we are looking into. Looks like my Sunday and Monday are going to be VERY busy driving around the Bay Area. I still need to plug the addresses into Google Earth to see what the neighborhoods look like.
Other than that, a quiet day around the house, just the sound of clacking keys.
No to G4 Not an upscale reputation no matter what it looks like
G6 and anything in Palo Alto
The one in San Francisco CANNOT be in the industrial areas (look like they may be.
NEVER in Foster city. San CArlos near teh airport Don’t think so!