Somehow I’ve stayed on my usual schedule… sleeping till 8, drinking coffee and checking email until 9, and then dealing with the world. It’s nice to have one’s own apartment to do this in, away from Monica, Alan and the three kids (they are all sweet, but it’s me, in the morning, not pretty).
On today’s agenda:
- Reorganize Alan’s garage so the Porsche will comfortably fit in with all the bikes, ping pong tables, tools, etc.
- Move storage racks from the garage, truck and storage to the basement of his medical practice building
- Take Sophi (their “in-heat” dog) for a long walk on the airport trail (photos below)
- Dinner of venison steaks from one of Alan and Eric’s kills
- After dinner — it’s off to the Perseverance Theatre for a comical farce called “Leading Ladies” which was really good.
By 10pm I was exhausted.
Shot of a small plane coming into the airport:
And a shot of the plane that I’ll be taking on Sunday — a 737-400 Combi — on the milk run back to Seattle (Juneau, Petersburg, Wrangel, Ketchikan, Seattle):
Notice fact that there are no windows in the front half of the plane? The first row is exit row 16 (where I’m sitting). The front half of the plane is filled with freight containers…. hopefully I’ll get some shots on Monday… and you enter the plane up the stairs at the rear.
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