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Jan '10

Estes Park

Day Two.

It’s like a holiday — leaving town. Yeah, there is still the dribs and drabs of work to do, but I get to spend more time laying around reading that when I’m home. At home there is the “honey do” list, and I’m the honey.

Today’s shot:


It’s the view from the deck of the condo.

BrightHeart had to leave around 11 for a day of play rehearsal — at least we fed him a good bacon, egg, and toast breakfast.

Today’s adventures consisted of swinging by the Beaver Meadow Visitor’s Center for Rocky Mountain National Park. Watched a 20-minute video about the park which made me want to return in the summer and drive through it in the Jaguar with the top down.

Lunch in town after shopping for dinner. Stopped by the Stanley Museum (as in Stanley Steamer, and locally the Stanley Hotel where they filmed the shining, or it was written, or something like that).

Speaking of dinner — that would be a 4.19 pound boneless leg of lamb over a bed of roasted potatoes… a little much for two people, but just means that we’ll have lamb hash for breakfast.

Tonight’s movie: You Don’t Mess With The Zohan. IMDB’s short description of the movie is: An Israeli Special Forces Soldier fakes his death so he can re-emerge in New York City as a hair stylist. Definitely a screw-ball comedy with some interesting jabs at both sides in the Israel/Palestine conflict, including a liberal dose of hummus.

Too bed WAY to late — even without BrightHeart coming over tonight.

[? ? ?]

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