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Apr '11

Jameson, Day Two.

Up at 8, grudgingly, breakfast at 9, on the road by 9:30am.

Destination Olympia. Work of repairing the carport of his rental for Jameson, work on two chickens for dinner for me. Doesn’t look fun for him with the rain.

On the way back from dropping him off on the Westside to borrow a friends truck, stopped downtown and did a little antiquing, but found myself parked in front of a musical instrument store, with almost a dozen ukuleles hanging in the window, and as it turned out, another half dozen hanging on a rack. Apparently the ukulele craze is bigger now than it was in the 20s and 30s. Went in to price them for Jameson since he likes mine so much, and says it would be easier to travel with than a guitar.

Tried and failed to nap in the afternoon, so decided to make chicken paté from the chicken livers from the two chickens for tonight’s meal. Why the two chickens had 6 livers, 1 gizzard and no hearts, I do not know.

The two chickens were stuffed with a half an orange each (to keep them moist) and sprinkled with a Tuscan seasoning mix, and baked on top of a bed of new potatoes, onions, carrots and celery. Serve with a salad and some steamed asparagus and the boys (Curt, Rich, Brandon) were happy campers.

After dinner tried and failed to get all the scholarship applications read, only managed one.


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