Did the closing shift at the shop. Barely OK day in sales, but looking back at the numbers from last year, the time between Christmas and New Year’s seems to be a slow time. Let’s hope lots of people come in for bubbles today and tomorrow. We are running some nice specials for the next couple of days. Check them out at:
And yes, we take phone orders — I might even be convinced to deliver (since I’m already doing it for Swanda’s Prosecco order).
Since I worked the closing shift, my CouchSurfer had to take the bus from Union Station where the BoltBus dumped him. A six block walk to the bus, then just stay on until the end of the line. He made good time up the hill, arriving around 5:30… nothing like having to hang out for an hour and a half in a wine shop trying some samples.
Left the paperwork for the day until tomorrow so get us home to cocktails and dinner.
Dinner was fairly simple but tasty – pan-fried steaks and a big salad with the rest of the blackberry feta dressing. For a skinny guy Sven can certainly pack it away. No leftovers (which is good).
And for today’s photo, Sven in the mink/wolf jacket:
He just finished up an internship in Vancouver at something like the Canada-Germany Chamber of Commerce. Yes, that would make Sven German, not Scandinavian as his name might suggest.
Nice evening of conversation before he retired well before me.
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