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Nov '13

Windy Saturday.

My half dead tree in the backyard that I may have killed dumping hot wine wash (from the still) off the porch, or the neighbors poisoned because it dumps leaves on their yard lost some of itself during the day while I was at the shop:

More things to fix on the “dining platform”.

Speaking of work – crazy wild day at the shop – and it was just me holding down the fort as Jim in Chelan with the relatives and the girlfriend. Means a 5 day run for me which is good for my billable shop hours but was a little stressful at points.

Headed home at 7 to have my chunks of Filet Mignon before entertaining Missy and giving her some of my Canada SWAG since she’s a big hockey fan. A Molson Beer hockey puck menu holder and a pair of the Canada Olympics Hudson’s Bay mittens. She was quite happy.

Another work day tomorrow.


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