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Nov '13

Late Sundays Have Been Hard For Me The Last Nine Months.

This post will be in reverse order… late evening to morning.

Or maybe I should say mourning.

After the Sunday 11pm news on CBS they repeat the Sunday morning political talk show – something that my buddy CaddyDaddy would watch it in real time even when we were travelling – he was the guy who got up in the morning, made the coffee, took his walk, and watched the political pundits WAY before I got up.

I miss him. I’m angry that he died weeks before he would have been able to put $500 a month away in the “travel kitty”. I’m angry when I’m planning trips I know he would have wanted to be a part of. I’m angry because he deserved better. And I miss him.


Hard to do a day wrap-up after that.

Breakfast with the kids (Julian/Megan) – scrambled eggs with bacon, green onions, goat cheese and salsa. Not a bad way to start the morning.

I left for work early as I realized that I’d left the signs out for the Saturday Tasting, and it’s now Sunday morning… oops.

A good Sunday when we break into the four digits and sell all but one bottle of one of the tasting wines – hell, one customer bought six, though I have to say that a decent $15 Oregon Pinot almost sells itself.

Begged for a dinner invitation to DB/BM (check earlier posts for the key). Homemade chicken pot pie (with salad in my honor) after a quick trip to Safeway for last minute things.

STUNNING meal, probably not the best for me carb wise, but….


Got to work the morning. Just going home to clean up some more of my mess.


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