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Nov '13

Tuesday Off.

Tuesday off, but no laying around eating BonBons. Time to redo the living room bar for the fall/winter drinking season – I mean entertaining season.

The plan is to create a two by two cube of French wooden wine boxes with top access to the top two for the bottles of liquor, then on the bottom two drawers (well, the top will be drawers as well) to hold a couple of cases of wine since under the TV there isn’t a heat vent.

Got the plans sketched out:

And the cutting diagram drawn:

Off to Home Depot for supplies:

  • 4x4x½” sanded one side plywood
  • fender washers
  • ¼” threaded rod
  • ¼” nuts
  • ¼” washers
  • rubber rod tips
  • swivel casters

And then to Builders Supply for drawer slides.

Here is a shot of the top renovation with the first set of glass hangers in:

The major point behind this is to keep me from having to wash the martini glasses as they fill up with dust. And now 90% complete – I discovered I could get another couple of racks of glasses hung, but didn’t have enough of all the pieces:

And that’s how I spent my day off. Tomorrow before work I’ll start on making the lower cabinet after I finish up the top.


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