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Apr '09


Luckily Not In South Park.

Snow in the north end, falling slush in West Seattle on the hill top. Cold rain in South Park. April is fooling with me — I’m ready for Spring.

So, last night I was sitting on the couch watching the news when my phone vibrated. That means an appointment in 15 minutes. I figured it was the notice to put out the garbage and recycling — but no. Helene is showing up for dinner in 15 minutes. I spaced out our dinner date. Oops. Good thing I thawed some chunks of tri-tip steak.

Helene showed up at 7 with flowers, wine and fruit — so that was covered. We chopped up the tri-tip and stir fried it with TJ’s Harvest Medley frozen veggies from the freezer, I had salad, and for the starch TJ’s Gnocchi (potato balls). Damned fine dinner for the spur of the moment.

So, did I mention that the house painting got finished on Monday. Finally. Only after a month of work interrupted by rain, snow, wind. At least it was cheap. Labor was under $1300. Paint and supplies a couple of hundred. Take a look:

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Click on the image for a larger version. And all the spring flowers are starting to come up. Thanks Wonderful for planting all this perennial stuff.

Another run this afternoon, a possibly one during dinner.

Speaking of dinner, that would be Jill for dinner tonight. Pork, salad, might do a loaf of Challah now that I have chicken stock from a grocery store run this morning.

Back to work for me — got meeting notes for tomorrow to work on.


1 Comment »

One Response to “Snow.

Luckily Not In South Park.”

  1. Melba Toast, NAC Says:

    The house looks wonderful! Very trim and tidy.

    What ever happened about the overspray on the cars?

    Sorry I missed your call the other week!


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