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Jul '09

Dinner For Two, Then Three, Then Four.

Take two steaks out of the freezer. Wait an hour. Take out another. Wait until just before dinner to take the fourth steak out of the freezer and nuke defrost it.

Swanda was the original guest.

Then it was BBHa for cocktails, but then stayed for dinner.

Then it was Jonathan who was on the fence because of traffic but made it.

It was a good dinner — the challah tonight was a 50% rye challah. We did have one wee (not to be confused with Wii) accident with one of the empty bottles of wine. If you are going to chuck it into the yard to recreate the old habit at the Capital Hill house of rolling the empties into the kitchen — try and miss the paving stone on the way to the garage.

Guess we were just having too much fun.


1 Comment »

One Response to “Dinner For Two, Then Three, Then Four.”

  1. Swanda Says:

    OMG! You did not…yes you did…LOL God I luv ya! Like a rock…quoting Cher from Moonstruck.

    What a great night and you SO know I will not be tossing any bottles anytime soon.

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