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Jul '09

Too Hot.

The Weather That Is.

Early morning… traffic was a mess, I was running late, went down 4th to 90 to avoid a backup… made it to the office for the marketing meeting in under 30 minutes… better than my return trip because of the I-90 lane closures.

Gee — that three month contract for part-time is now running to more like thirteen months. Thanks Swanda.

Just a quiet night at home with a little “protein on lettuce” as someone has remarked on.

At 11pm it is 82 inside the house. Is this because I have someone I knew in high school coming up from San Diego? Did she send the weather ahead of her?


1 Comment »

One Response to “Too Hot.

The Weather That Is.”

  1. Swanda Says:

    At 11pm it was 64 in my apt! Goddess loves the power of air conditioning!

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