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Jul '09

SOB (Son of Bob) With The Doctor.

The doctor showed up this morning to cure SOB’s persistent drip and overheating.

It turns out that is was all related to a stuck thermostat:

  • The overheating
  • The lack of hot air coming out of the dash
  • The dumping of it’s overflow reservoir

Cost of the fix: less than $50 which I didn’t mind considering it was a house-call!

Tomorrow we will take SOB forĀ a little spin around town to see if he is really fixed (i.e. temperature gauge in the correct range, no dripping, lots of hot air coming from the dash). At some point I have to get the air conditioning system recharged since that got drained getting the water pump off — oh and I need to recycle all the old radiator fluid too!

Need to make sure SOB is ready for two upcoming road trips:

  • Lake Cushman at the cabin 7-31 to 8-2
  • Tinkham Forest Service campground 8-13 to 8-16

What I thought I’d thawed for dinner was a chunk of pork loin. Imagine my surprise when I found it was a rack of ribs doubled over on itself. Much better! I’m sure that it was enough for two people, but somehow there was nothing left for tommorrow. At least I had a bunch of salad to add some ruffage and wine.

More web work for The Great Art Party after dinner. Check out this year’s goodies by clicking on the link.


1 Comment »

One Response to “SOB (Son of Bob) With The Doctor.”

  1. Curt Says:

    When you have the time, do something that will eliminate all worries regarding an older V-8 (or V-6) engine under great stress from A) a heavy load or B) persistent idling. Add an additional mini-radiator in front or below the factory radiator. I recall in the ’70s they sold a lot of these for RVs and heavy-duty trucks becaus the factory units didn’t provide enough cooling capacity. And, back then, they were cheap. You’ll never have to worry about blowing a gasket again . . . well, the mechanical kind, anyway.

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