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Jul '09

Cabin Fever.

House Over 100 Degrees.

I’m starting to get cabin fever. Or would that be SOB fever.

Day two of being sequestered in the RV with the AC cranked up to high just to keep up with the weather outside. Luckily the captains chair makes a very comfortable place to read the newspaper, and the banquette isn’t too uncomfortable to do all the computer work.

By dinner time the house was over a hundred degrees — I know this even though he temperature gauge on the thermostat stops at 99 degrees. How? The oven thermometer was registering 104 degrees — THE OVEN THERMOMETER. Yes, we set a record. Fine, it’s 30 degrees hotter than normal. I want normal.

My plan to have steak and a salad was replaced by Jonathan coming over with a half a salmon, fruit and cabbage for a salad. My original plans included Joanie coming over for a computer fix (which Jonathan did MUCH better than I would have) and so we were three for dinner. In SOB.

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Yes, we all had dinner in SOB after quickly prepping and cooking everything in the kitchen and on the grill. We even had fresh baked bread.

A fun evening in the cabin.


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