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Mar '08

Clients Coming Back.

Well, well, clients are coming back through the doors after a long break. I got a call this week from ThinkAct about setting up their blog and working on integrating the look-and-feel of their existing website and business cards (I’ve handled their business cards for the last couple of years) with the new blog and PowerPoint templates. It will be nice to have some billable hours that I wasn’t expecting this month.

More staining of the “potting shed” this afternoon. Today it is the walls and batons and the roof shingles. It seems to never end. The build out date is currently scheduled for April 1st — now THAT’s amusing — April Fool.

MoonSong got the floor pour yesterday here is a picture of the forms in place. He ran out of time so there isn’t a photo of the finished product — as it was, he barely made the ferry off the island yesterday morning.

forms 005

As for me — just another quiet evening in town. I’m thinking that will change after the 1st with Lynne moving right around the corner. Someone to cook dinner for that doesn’t have to drive home afterwards — sort of like Gnarlene, but only on the weekends since he works nights (and hasn’t returned my last two calls).


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