Curt spent the night, so it was a slow morning. Or maybe it was a slow morning because off the hoopla last night. I’m guessing the later.
Out of bed at 10, breakfast for both of us at 11, out of the house a little after 1 headed, first to the apartment, then to Portland.
Why Portland. Julian and Jamshed. Haven’t seen Julian in awhile, and want to see Jamshed while I can, he is in Portland trying to regain his health which was going downhill at Breitenbush.
Arrived a little after 4pm, before Julian got off work, did a little shopping at Fred Meyer (black jeans and allergy pills) and did a little reading to kill the time.
Boring entry today — I’m even bored by it.
Eat steak and cole slaw (the slaw we forgot to make and eat last night), drank into the night. Went to bed.
Like I said, boring except that the conversation wasn’t.
“off the hoopla last night. I’m guessing the later” should likely read: of the hoopla last night. I’m guessing the latter.
So you are in Portland and so there you go…guess I will bring packages to your abode tomrrow with the cuck/tomato/mozzerella salad.