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Uncle Markie out and about.

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Jan '07

The magic of stairs.

The very early 6:40am boat off the island… why. Oh, that’s right, to get back to the city and start working on the house. With the fully loaded van I stop at Home Depot to add even more stuff — the garage door opener fit in the back seat, but the drop down stairs had […]

Jan '07

Pack the van, pay the bills, plan for the house.

Packed the van with the next load. The totes labeled: Electrical, Paint, Drywall, Nails, Screws, Electrical Wire, Plumbing Parts, and god knows what else. That van holds a butt-load. In the middle of this, just after noon, I’m checking email and there is one from Bonny Doon (last nights winery) with some tag line like […]

Jan '07

Quiet time at the church.

No guests, just me and God’s Shy Acre (the sanctuary sites on .77 or .74 acres depending on whose figure you use. .77 would include the fire road easement.) Arrived on the 1:40pm boat which meant that by 3pm was settled in an working on ads for SOB. The mail contained a check from Twango, […]

Jan '07

Remodeling projects galore!

Dropped the new flooring off at the house, took a bunch of measurements, and fled. Too early to move the washer and dryer around, as both have loads in them. Did measure the ceiling for the new stairs — going with the aluminum ones since they have a load limit of 350 pounds rather than […]

Jan '07

The “Fat Lady” sings.

I’m on the 11am ferry so that means in line by 10am — though, as usual, I could have come 15 minutes early. Terry and Brook will go off and explore the islands today then head their separate ways. Errand running in the afternoon — dropped off a dishwasher rack for Jimmy at the shop, […]

Jan '07

And more guests!

Terry still hanging around — but serious about getting set up in the islands. Put him on the 1:40 ferry to Friday Harbor where he could go to the Radio Shack and get a pay as you go phone with a local number — and we worked up “rack cards” for him. Now he needs […]

Jan '07


Well, unexpected visitors — well, he called, it isn’t like he jsut showed up — arrived in the afternoon. Terry is selling his place outside Index, and seriously considering a move to the islands. Arrived in the afternoon, basically hung out, hit me up for information about the islands and lofe on the island. Steaks […]

Jan '07

Dinner with Lynne on the island.

Work a little, clean a little, work a little, make the bed. Headed for the 3:30pm ferry after a gas stop at the reservation $2.35 for gas — at least 20 cents cheaper — they have a liquor store as well, but those prices are state set. Only one problem with the 3:30pm ferry, it’s […]

Jan '07

Bamboo (flooring), Beef, and Boys.

First, a review of last nights symphony date (with Freebie). Dinner at the Brooklyn was a wonderful as always, and Freebie was beaming because he didn’t have to order fish (allergic) or meat (personal choice) and had the Eggplant Souffle as a starter and the Grilled Portabella as the main — both portions were so […]

Jan '07

Errands, Ads, Freebie, and Soloists.

Run to Arvey’s for 8.5×14 paper for the directory, make a couple of ads for Shirts of Bamboo for the Grist placement, meet up with Freebie at the apartment and head off to dinner at the Brooklyn followed my the Moscow Soloists at Beneroya Hall. Whew!

Jan '07

The Sunday family roast.

Over to the new house in the morning to remeasure the tub area. I think it’s going to be tight — I’d rather NOT be knocking out walls in there. Spent an hour in the afternoon playing with the glue gun gluing bamboo towelettes onto postcards — 200 an hour is the metric for assembling […]

Jan '07

Another kitchen, another bath.

Does the remodelling ever end — I’m looking at another kitchen and another bath remodel on the new house. Poker last night was less than wallet filling. Stopped at Loews on the way out of town to start looking at kitchens and baths…..and fired up the IKEA kitchen remodel application (which keeps crashing). Here is […]

Jan '07

Stuck in traffic.

Well, not stuck all day, just a big chunk of the afternoon while heading to Puyallup to test drive a 2006 Sprinter — turns out its a loaner, so they are willing to knock a couple of thousand off invoice price. Several problems with it are all the seats, might like an extra one until […]

Jan '07

Papers signed… I’m landed gentry (again).

Was actually out of bed and into the office before 8am. It must be a travel day. Got the house settled for departure — take out garbage, bedding out of living room from Whitaker, dishes in dishwasher. 11am ferry, in line by 10am, not that I needed to be, they take something like 80 cars […]

Jan '07

A long to-do list.

A long to-do list, finally getting shorter. Folding job is half way done, or more. Padding done. Lots of ads for Shirts of Bamboo to get approved before Dan and Lisa leave for a Carribbean cruise, and the dreaded quarterly taxes. Don’t think I’ll make it to the dump today so recycling is stacking up […]

Jan '07

We’re melting…..

Sounds like a line from the Wizard of Oz, but it’s the truth. We missed the snowstorm that dumped 2-3 inches on Seattle and lead to massive collisions in the mountian passes. Whitaker spent the day trying to figure out what to do with his dead truck — the answer is catch the 4pm ferry, […]

Jan '07

More frozen, less equipment.

Up around 8:30 to deal with cleaning up the apartment for Chris’ arrival late tonight, fresh sheets on the bed, folding his favorite towel and putting it on the bathroom counter, yet another salad for breakfast — something about being on a cruise for seven days that makes you want to eat a lot of […]

Jan '07

Seattle: Frozen Tundra

Plane landed at 5am. Actually managed sleep for 2-3 hours, Jeff was more like 4+ hours. His ride flaked because of living on Beacon Hill and ice and frozen roadways — Gnarlene came to the rescue. Got back to Jeff’s house where I’d parked. Did I mention that it was like 28 degrees outside and […]

Jan '07

Welcome to Hell, I mean Honolulu

It’s not THAT bad. It’s just a travel day where I’ve been up late packing. And I mean late. 3:30am, or was it 4. Eating breakfast by 8:30 which is miracle for Jeff — considering how hung over he is, and that he doesn’t do mornings. GE and Riversong were a little late to pick […]

Jan '07

Half day on Kauai, half day at sea.

A lazy day on the boat, not even bothering to get off. Breakfast, reading, work, reading, sunning on the deck — you know, the hard life. This is the shot from the 14th deck… where I was sunny around noon. We’ve been turned down for the EasyFly program — even though we are already upgraded […]