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Uncle Markie out and about.

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May '15

Trip Report: Birthday With The Girls In St. Martin (Sint Maarten)

Let me start by saying – this was a QUICK trip. Just two nights in the Caribbean, plus a day of travel on each end. But it is my friend Anne’s 45th birthday, and I could find some frequent flier mile flights…. Here is the itinerary: That would be the Sunday night (after work) red-eye […]

May '15

Work Report: Extra Curricular Credits

Keeping up-to-date in the wine business means constant research, and some of it comes with food as well. Generally the trade tastings for distributors are on Monday during the day, this one was on a Thursday afternoon, meaning I could actually make it with my recent hectic travel schedule. Glad to have not missed this […]

May '15

Trip Report: OLY-PDX-OLY For A Late Lunch/Early Dinner

Yes, you read that right – I spent 2.5 hours each way on the train to spend 2.5 hours in Portland. I was in Olympia for The Evergreen State College Recognition Dinner – a yearly awards ceremony that gets more dull and boring with each year as the keep cutting down on the number of […]

May '15

Trip Report: Mileage Run BLI-HNL-BLI

Yes, once again I flew to Hawaii, this time by myself, this time just for the miles. Miles? Really? Well – its 2715 miles each way for a total of 5430, and as an Alaska Airlines MVP Gold I get a 1005 bonus, meaning 10,860 miles in my account (sadly the bonus miles do not […]

May '15

Trip Report: Hawaii With Dwight, The Final Tour

This seems to have been the “trip of tours”, but it’s been fun to show Dwight Oahu. Frankly, we are both “knackered” at this point. Like one of those all-inclusive tours. But I got the last one, the “Grand Circle Tour” at half off rack rate ($39 for us via some random broker which turned […]

May '15

Trip Report: Hawaii With Dwight – Day Three, More Tours

Day three is upon us, more touring the island. Our first tour is that of a factory type – a tour of the Yamaka Ukulele factory located in downtown Honolulu next to the law courts (though in the next couple of years they are going to have to move as development is coming through – […]

May '15

Trip Report: Hawaii With Dwight — Day Two, Exploring

Day two of our (Dwight and I’s) adventure… today’s items to tick off the list: Shuttle to Hilo Hattie to check out the clearance rack 3 block walk to Salvation Army to check out what is on offer for 25% Seniors Day (Tuesday) Pick up our ticket for the Waikiki Trolley and try and get […]

May '15

Trip Report: Hawaii With Dwight – Day One, Getting There.

Spring trip to Hawaii number two for Uncle Markie, this time with Dwight who has never been before, and we have a TON of stuff planned to give him an overview of the place. But first we have to get there. And since it’s a long flight – off to The Museum of Flight we […]

May '15

Trip Report: Spring Break Trip Number Three

The third of three Spring Break trips for friends of mine who are students or teachers…this one is with Bliss, who is a teacher, and can afford a plane ticket – so off to Waikiki we go! Bliss and I are flying out of Bellingham, Washington which is about two hours north of Seattle. Why […]