This week is just a quick trip to visit the sis-in-law and husband — my only remaining connection to New Mexico. And for $188.20 round-trip, why not. Hell, the rental car was half the airfare. No upgrade on the way down but the plane was one of the new three-class planes so free drinks and a […]
Time to head back to work. Time to say goodbye to Old San Juan. Since I had luggage, I used the ancient elevator, which moves at the pace of a very old man. Yep – it has an inner folding closet door that must be closed for it to work. Breakfast back at Caldera, this […]
Years ago I was in Puerto Rico with Dan – you can see the post here. Note – you’ll have to scroll past the CURRENT Puerto posts to get to the ones from 2004, but since there were several it seemed easier. In 2004 we explored the island, but not Old San Juan, the reason […]
Why Puerto Rico? When I was bumped off a flight in October in Columbia, South Carolina I was given a $600 voucher. When I was looking at the calendar – February sounded like a great time to go someplace warm. Roxy was around so I got a ride to the airport in my own car […]
At least one adventure per week (sometimes three) for two months running. This week it’s Berkeley to delivery some wine (and have a good time). Yep, that’s one of the pieces of luggage I repaired a week or so ago. But as we all know, trips start in the lounge with a Red Baron: Lunetta […]
For the miles, and lunch with friends. This is the final Boston mileage run for the winter – I’m surprised that all of the flights actually made it there and back since Boston has serious winter weather. As it turns out, it was Seattle’s weather that almost tripped me up. Yep, that is a snow […]
Yep, a third trip in one week. This one I doing an LA turnaround (coming home on the same plane that brought me) on Virgin America. I haven’t flown them in years so thought I’d try it now that I rack up Alaska miles when I fly with them. Nothing like getting stuck in traffic […]
This week’s pleasure travel is to lovely Sacramento – though technically Folsom where Jameson lives. It feels like, “another day, another flight.” Suddenly, most of my lunches are now looking like this: With a view like this…. Until I end up on the plane, luckily with an upgrade… When the view changes to this: That […]
On one of the recent layovers from travel and work, it was time to repair the luggage that I depend on. Both of my regular bags are no longer in production so it’s DIY time for maintenance. Porter Case This was designed for photographers and came with a square foam lining to fit gear – […]
Time for Boston Mileage Run Number Two! Again, no upgrade on the way to Boston (which is supposed to be easier!), though I was the next one in line. Sigh. BUT – there was another HORSE in the security line – I mean Great Dane…with another service dog barking at it: Yep, that’s a dog […]
Another week, another trip or two or three – this week two. Off to see Dan and Lisa – been months since I’ve been there. I did see them for lunch at the end of November on a mileage run with Dancing Bear. All my trips start with a trip to the Alaska Lounge for […]